Process & Services

Digital Embed: The Context and the Process

The Maynard Institute was founded by nine newspaper journalists in 1977. Their goal was to diversify newsrooms, and they were the “first evers” in their respective organizations. The institute’s work has centered on training journalists of color to be successful in these institutions and on training journalists of all backgrounds about societal Fault Lines of race, class, gender, generation, geography and sexual orientation, and how they impact hiring, retention, coverage and culture. Diversity in news has been a key area of focus for the institute.

Now, to meet the moment, it’s time to achieve far more transformational goals.

What’s in it for you?

The conversation has shifted from mere integration of news outlets to dismantling systemic racism in journalism and news enterprises. By doing so, news outlets can improve coverage, expand audiences, vastly improve relationships with communities and create better working environments for all employees.

That is the work in which we are engaged. To make the most of this experience, clients should have leadership buy-in necessary to embark on this level of assessment, reflection, training and outcome-driven change. A full digital embed focuses on executives and top leadership and takes as many as 90 days to complete. As part of an embed, we recommend that a group of key rank-and-file employees be brought into the mix as early as possible.

Digital Embed Phase 1: Up to Two Hours

Intake, survey and assess: discuss organizational issues, design and distribute internal survey, discuss survey results, refine embed strategy.

Digital Embed Phase II: Three Hours

  • The overview conversation and training with top leadership and department heads: who are you, who have you been and where do you want to be after this process? Why does this matter, and how does dismantling systemic racism and improving cultural competency in your outlet contribute to your most prosperous, equitable and sustainable future?
  • Leading through a Fault Lines Crisis.
  • Fault Lines framework: understanding your Fault Lines blind spots across race, class, gender, generation, geography and sexual orientation, and how they create perception bias.
  • Restorative conversation with attendees to unpack survey results and discuss findings.
  • Unconscious bias: how biases are formed and how to be conscious of your own.
  • Microaggressions: what are they, and who commits them?
  • Conduct “From To” exercises in small groups focusing on the overarching vision, coverage and culture of the organization.
  • Report out, working groups are formed to continue fleshing out “From Tos.”

Digital Embed Phase III: Three Hours

  • The existential conversation and training with managers / editors.
  • Leading through a Fault Lines crisis.
  • Fault Lines framework: understanding your Fault Lines blind spots across race, class, gender, generation, geography, sexual orientation and how they create perception bias.
  • Restorative conversation with attendees to unpack survey results and discuss findings.
  • Unconscious bias: how biases are formed, how to be conscious of your own.
  • Microaggressions: what are they, and who commits them?
  • Conduct “From To” exercises on vision, coverage and culture derived from leadership session.
  • Report out and discuss strategies and steps for executing on “From Tos.”
  • Expand groups to continue refining “From Tos” and begin developing Strategies and Steps.

Digital Embed Phase IV: Each Two Hours

Convene working groups:

  • Vision — Report on finished “From Tos”, define SMART Goals, Strategies and Steps
  • Coverage — Report on finished “From Tos”, SMART Goals, define Strategies and Steps
  • Culture — Report on finished “From Tos”, SMART Goals, define Strategies and Steps
  • Working groups execute on Strategies and Steps to achieve SMART Goals.

Digital Embed Phase V: Accountability Check-in: Three Hours

  • Each group reports on progress.
  • Refine and keep going!
  • Outcomes. Outcomes. Outcomes!

All-inclusive cost: Contact Martin Reynolds (Company-wide packages available.)

Optional But Highly Recommended

Embed Phase VI: Fault Lines Training for Staff — Each Session Three Hours

Fault Lines framework:

  • Restorative conversation with attendees to unpack survey results and discuss findings.
  • Unconscious bias: how biases are formed and how to be conscious of your own.
  • Microaggressions: what are they, and who commits them?
  • Personal bias exercise: what did you learn about your biases?
  • Unpack “From Tos” from Leadership / Management, refine and incorporate into SMART Goals, Strategies and Steps.
  • If booked without a Digital Embed, conduct “From Tos” and Strategies and Steps exercise.
  • A la carte sessions include Digital Embed Phase 1
  • Optimal size per session: 25 to 30 participants

Please contact Martin Reynolds directly if your newsroom is interested in the Embed program.